Seahorse XFe96

The Seahorse Bioscience XFe96 instrument, at Princess Margaret Cancer Research Tower in Toronto, measures the rate of change of analytes, dissolved oxygen and pH (lactate production) in the media immediately surrounding living cells cultured in a microplate (96-well). Changes in the extracellular media are caused by the consumption or production of analytes by the cells. Therefore, a sensitive measurement of the media flux can be used to determine rates of cellular metabolism with great precision and in a totally non-invasive, label-free manner. The instrument allows automated injection of up to 4 solutions at user defined time points during the experiment.


Decade of Mitochondria

To use the Seahorse Bioanalyzer XF 96 please, complete the form below to register for our next webinar training directed by Field Applications Scientists from Seahorse Bioscience.

Please, be advised that the instrument requires specialized consumables (see here). For ECAR measurements, a bicarbonate/buffer-free media is required and can be ordered from your media supplier prior to your first experiment.

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